Kurssi sopii sekä raportoinnin ammattilaisille että teknisesti edistyneille liiketoimintahenkilöille, jotka haluavat oppia analysoimaan dataa Microsoft Power BI:llä ja rakentamaan raportointiratkaisuja raakadatasta lähtien aina automaattisesti päivittyviin selaimella tarkasteltaviin raporttikokonaisuuksiin asti.
Osallistujalla on hyvä olla kokemusta jonkun raportointivälineen/BI -teknologian käytöstä ja erilaisista tietolähteistä, kuten tietokannoista. Raportoinnin peruskäsitteistön tunteminen on avuksi.
Kurssi lähtee liikkelle täysin alkeista, mutta etenee melko vauhdikkaasti. Aiempi tietämys Power BI Desktop -työkalun perustoiminnoista auttaa kurssin sisällön omaksumisessa.
Module 1: Get Started with Microsoft Data Analytics
This module explores the different roles in the data space, outlines the important roles and responsibilities of a Data Analysts, and then explores the landscape of the Power BI portfolio.
- Data Analytics and Microsoft
- Getting Started with Power BI
Module 2: Prepare Data in Power BI
This module explores identifying and retrieving data from various data sources. You will also learn the options for connectivity and data storage and understand the difference and performance implications of connecting directly to data vs. importing it.
- Get data from various data sources
Module 3: Clean, Transform, and Load Data in Power BI
This module teaches you the process of profiling and understanding the condition of the data. They will learn how to identify anomalies, look at the size and shape of their data, and perform the proper data cleaning and transforming steps to prepare the data for loading into the model.
- Data shaping
- Enhance the data structure
- Data Profiling
Module 4: Design a Data Model in Power BI
This module teaches the fundamental concepts of designing and developing a data model for proper performance and scalability. This module will also help you understand and tackle many of the common data modeling issues, including relationships, security, and performance.
- Introduction to data modeling
- Working with tables
- Dimensions and Hierarchies
Module 5: Create Model Calculations using DAX in Power BI
This module introduces you to the world of DAX and its true power for enhancing a model. You will learn about aggregations and the concepts of Measures, calculated columns and tables, and Time Intelligence functions to solve calculation and data analysis problems.
- Introduction to DAX
- DAX context
- Advanced DAX
Module 6: Optimize Model Performance
In this module you are introduced to steps, processes, concepts, and data modeling best practices necessary to optimize a data model for enterprise-level performance.
- Optimize the model for performance
- Optimize DirectQuery Models
- Create and manage Aggregations
Module 7: Create Reports in Power BI
This module introduces you to the fundamental concepts and principles of designing and building a report, including selecting the correct visuals, designing a page layout, and applying basic but critical functionality. The important topic of designing for accessibility is also covered.
- Design a report
- Enhance the report
Module 8: Create Dashboards
In this module you will learn how to tell a compelling story through the use of dashboards and the different navigation tools available to provide navigation. You will be introduced to features and functionality and how to enhance dashboards for usability and insights.
- Create a Dashboard
- Real-time Dashboards
- Enhance a Dashboard
Module 9: Identify Patterns and Trends
This module helps you apply additional features to enhance the report for analytical insights in the data, equipping you with the steps to use the report for actual data analysis. You will also perform advanced analytics using AI visuals on the report for even deeper and meaningful data insights.
- Advanced Analytics
- Data Insights through AI visuals
Module 10: Create and Manage Workspaces
This module will introduce you to Workspaces, including how to create and manage them. You will also learn how to share content, including reports and dashboards, and then learn how to distribute an App.
- Creating Workspaces
- Sharing and Managing Assets
Module 11: Manage Datasets in Power BI
In this module you will learn the concepts of managing Power BI assets, including datasets and workspaces. You will also publish datasets to the Power BI service, then refresh and secure them.
Module 12: Row-level security