Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance is one of the key components of Microsoft’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) offerings to middle- and large-size companies and corporations. Initially, the course starts with the Finance setup, including chart of accounts, ledgers and currencies, journal management, cash and bank, cost accounting, periodic processes, and taxes.
Further, key finance processes are covered in detail: revenue recognition and receivables, accounts payable and expense management, budgeting, and fixed assets. The course includes practical exercises in the virtual environment for all modules.
In addition, the course will provide an overview of upcoming features and Dynamics 365 Copilot capabilities.
Implementation: Class, Online
Length: 3 days
Material: Microsoft English Material (MOC)
Audience profileThis course is best suited for new users of Dynamics Finance in different roles and functional consultants who implement core application setup processes.
PrerequisitesParticipants should have a fundamental understanding of accounting principles and a deeper understanding of financial operations as they relate to core finance, manufacturing, retail, and supply chain management operations.
Course contentLearning Path 1: Set up and configure financial management
- Overview of Dynamics 365 Finance
- Set up and configure financial management
- Implement and manage shared configuration for AP and AR
Learning Path 2: Implement accounts receivable, credit, collections, and revenue recognition
- Implement and manage accounts receivable
Learning Path 3: Implement and manage accounts payable and expenses
- Implement and manage accounts payable
- Implement and manage expense management
Learning Path 4: Manage budgeting
- Configure and manage budgeting
Learning Path 5: Manage fixed assets
- Configure and manage fixed assets