AZ-140: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop
Koulutuksen tavoitteena on perehdyttää opiskelija Azure Virtual Desktopin hallintaan ratkaisun suunnittelun, käyttöönoton sekä ylläpidon kannalta. Kurssi antaa yleiskuvan AVD-ratkaisusta ja hyvän lähtökohdan esimerkiksi oman AVD-ympäristön hallintaan.
Kurssilla käsittelemme virtualisointiratkaisun näkökulmasta työpöytien ja sovelluksien julkaisua ja ylläpitoa, profiilienhallintaa, tietoturvallisen pääsyn varmistamista sekä AVD-ympäristön valvontaa.
Kurssi soveltuu etenkin henkilöille, jotka työskentelevät AVD-ratkaisun parissa ylläpidon roolissa tai suunnittelevat ratkaisun käyttöönottoa.
Azure Virtual Desktopin hallinnointi käsittää lukuisia osa-alueita työasemahallinnoinnista käyttäjäprofiilien hallintaan. Kurssi käsittelee laajasti ratkaisuun liittyviä toimenpiteitä ja antaa hyvän yleiskatsauksen toteutusteknologiaan.
Koulutukseen osallistujalla on hyvä olla kokemusta jo ennalta
- Azuren palveluista, mukaan lukien:
- Virtual Machines
- Storage Accounts
- Networking
- Azure Active Directory
- Windows-työasemien hallinnasta
Module 1: Azure Virtual Desktop Architecture
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Explain the Azure Virtual Desktop components.
- Describe the Azure Virtual Desktop architecture.
- Choose between personal and pooled desktops.
- Identify the Azure limitations for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Describe the options for Azure Virtual Desktop pricing.
Module 2: Design the Azure Virtual Desktop architecture
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Assess network capacity and speed requirements for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Determine the connection round-trip time (RTT) from a location through the Azure Virtual Desktop service.
- Recommend an operating system for an Azure Virtual Desktop implementation.
- Describe the two load-balancing methods for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Recommendation subscriptions and management groups for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Recommend a configuration for performance requirements.
Module 3: Design for user identities and profiles
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Select a licensing model for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Describe personal and multi-session desktop scenarios.
- Plan a storage solution storing FSLogix profile containers.
- Plan for a Desktop client deployment
- Deploy Windows Desktop client to multiple devices.
- Describe Hybrid Identity for Azure Virtual Desktop.
Module 4: Implement and manage networking for Azure Virtual Desktop
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Recommend a solution for Azure Virtual Desktop network connectivity.
- Implement Azure virtual network connectivity for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Describe network security for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Configure Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts using Microsoft Bastion.
- Monitor communication between a virtual machine and an endpoint.
Module 5: Implement and manage storage for Azure Virtual Desktop
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Choose appropriate storage for FSLogix components.
- Configure storage for FSLogix components.
- Configure storage accounts for Azure Files.
- Configure a new managed data disk to a Windows virtual machine for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Create file shares for a storages account for Azure Virtual Desktop.
Module 6: Create and configure host pools and session hosts for Azure Virtual Desktop
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Configure host pool assignment type.
- Automate creation of an Azure Virtual Desktop host pool using PowerShell.
- Customize Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) properties for a host pool.
- Manage licensing for session hosts that run Windows client.
Module 7: Create and manage session host image for Azure Virtual Desktop
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Create a managed VM image for an Azure Virtual Desktop-specific configuration.
- Modify a session host image.
- Plan for image update and management.
- Create and use a Shared Image Gallery (SIG) for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Install language packs in Azure Virtual Desktop.
Module 8: Manage access for Azure Virtual Desktop
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Describe Azure role-based access controls (RBAC) for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Plan and implement Azure roles and RBAC for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Describe how to configure Azure Virtual Desktop with Intune.
Module 9: Manage security for Azure Virtual Desktop
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Plan and implement Conditional Access policies for connections to Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Plan and implement multifactor authentication (MFA) in Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Understand Conditional Access policy components.
- Manage security by using Azure Security Center.
- Understand Microsoft Defender Antivirus for session hosts.
Module 10: Implement and manage FSLogix
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Plan for FSLogix.
- Recommend best practices for FSLogix profile containers and Azure files.
- Install FXLogix.
- Recommend storage options for FSLogix profile containers.
- Configure Cloud Cache.
- Configure Profile Containers.
- Manage Rule Sets and application masking.
Module 11: Configure user experience settings
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Configure user settings through group policies for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Configure user settings through Endpoint Manager policies for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Configure session timeout properties for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Configure device redirections for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Configure Universal Print.
- Troubleshoot user profile issues.
Module 12: Install and configure apps on a session host
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Describe MSIX app attach for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Explain how MSIX app attach works.
- Set up a file share for MSIX app attach.
- Use the OneDrive sync app on Azure Virtual Desktops.
- Use Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Publish built-in apps in Azure Virtual Desktop.
Module 13: Plan for disaster recovery
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Configure virtual machine (VM) replication for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Configure FSLogix for multiple profile locations.
Module 14: Automate Azure Virtual Desktop management tasks
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Describe how to scale session hosts using Azure Automation.
- Create or update an Azure Automation account.
- Create an Azure Automation Run As account.
- Create the Azure Logic App and execution schedule.
Module 15: Monitor and manage performance and health
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Describe how to monitor Azure Virtual Desktop by using Azure Monitor.
- How to use Log Analytics workspace for Azure Monitor.
- How to monitor Azure Virtual Desktop by using Azure Advisor.
- How to resolve Azure Advisor recommendations.
- How to diagnose graphics performance issues.
1790 € + ALV 25,5%
Heikki Bergius
Consulting & Training
Heikki Bergius on toiminut yli 25 vuoden ajan erilaisissa tietotekniikan koulutus- ja konsultointitehtävissä. Hänen erikoisosaamiseensa kuuluvat mm. Azure IaaS -tekniikat, Azure-hybridiratkaisut, System Center -tuotteet, Windows-palvelimet sekä erilaiset automatisoinnit ja vianetsintä.
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Consulting & Training