DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Tämä kurssi on Azuren tietokantapalvelujen peruskurssi. Kurssin tavoitteena on tutustuttaa osallistujat erilaisiin datan käsittelyn peruskonsepteihin sekä Azuren tarjoamiin tietokantapalveluihin. Kurssilla tutustutaan niin relaatiomallisiin tietokantoihin kuin ns. No-SQL-kantoihin, sekä erilaisiin tietovarasto- ja analyysointitoiminnallisuuksiin.
Kurssi on suunnattu Azuren tietokanta- ja datapalveluista kiinnostuneelle osallistujalle, joka haluaa perustiedot Azuren tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista tietokantoihin ja datan käsittelyyn.
Kurssi valmentaa myös sertifiointitestiin DP-900, jonka suoritettua saat Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals -sertifikaatin.
Kurssi on tarkoitettu data-ammattilaisille, eli Data Engineereille, arkkitehdeille, BI-ihmisille sekä muille Data Platformista kiinnostuneille
Kurssi valmentaa sertifiointitestiin DP-900, jonka suoritettua saat Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals -sertifikaatin.
Kurssi on suunnattu Azuren tietokanta- ja datapalveluista kiinnostuneelle osallistujalle, joka haluaa perustiedot Azuren tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista tietokantoihin ja datan käsittelyyn.
Module 1: Explore core data concepts
Students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. Students will identify and describe core data concepts such as relational, non-relational, big data, and analytics, and explore how this technology is implemented with Azure. Students will explore the roles, tasks, and responsibilities in the world of data.
- Explore core data concepts
- Explore roles and responsiblities in the world of data
- Describe concepts of relational data
- Explore concepts of non-relational data
- Explore concepts of data analytics
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Show foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Azure
- Identify and describe core data concepts such as relational, non-relational, big data, and analytics
- Explain how this technology is implemented with Azure
Module 2: Explore relational data in Azure
Students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. Students will explore relational data offerings, provisioning and deploying relational databases, and querying relational data through cloud data solutions with Azure.
- Explore relational data offerings in Azure
- Explore provisioning and deploying relational database offerings in Azure
- Query relational data in Azure
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe relational data offerings on Azure
- Explain provisioning and deploying relational databases on Azure
- Query relational data through cloud data solutions in Azure
Module 3: Explore non-relational data in Azure
Students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Azure. Students will explore non-relational data offerings, provisioning and deploying non-relational databases, and non-relational data stores with Microsoft Azure.
- Explore non-relational data offerings in Azure
- Explore provisioning and deploying non-relational data services on Azure
- Manage non-relational data stores in Azure
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe non-relational data offerings on Azure
- Explain provisioning and deploying non-relational databases on Azure
- Decribe non-relational data stores on Azure
Module 4: Explore modern data warehouse analytics in Azure
Students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Azure. Students will explore the processing options available for building data analytics solutions in Azure. Students will explore Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure HDInsight. Students will learn what Power BI is, including its building blocks and how they work together.
- Examine components of a modern data warehouse
- Explore data ingestion in Azure
- Explore data storage and processing in Azure
- Get started building with Power BI
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe processing options available for building data analytics solutions in Azure
- Describe Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure HDInsight
- Explain what Microsoft Power BI is, including its building blocks and how they work together
790 € + ALV 25,5%
Tutustu myös
DP-300: Administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions
1790 € + ALV 25,5%SQL Serverin hallintaa niin pilvessä kuin pilven reunalla. Suosittu SQL Server hallintakurssi on päivittynyt moderniin versioon ja tuo mukaan sisäverkon palveluiden lisäksi myös virtuaali- (IaaS) ja palveluna (PaaS) tarjottujen tietokantojen hallinnan. Tällä kurssilla opit ylläpitämään SQL Server infrastruktuuria pilvessä, sisäverkossa tai hybridiratkaisuissa sekä näet mitä Azuren relaatiotietokanta PaaS palveluilla on mahdollista. Kurssi tukee myös sovelluskehittäjien... Näytä artikkeliToteutus: Luokka, OnlineKesto: 3 päivääAloituspäivämäärät: Ask for details: sales@sulava.comMateriaali: Microsoftin englanninkielinen materiaali (MOC)Antti ”Kontti” Kontiainen
Consulting & Training
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Consulting & Training
Microsoft Sentinel Siem päivässä tutuksi – Kuinka rakentaa toimiva kybertilannenäkymä?
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Consulting & Training